Pupuk Tablet Tanaman Karet [ Fertilizer for Rubber Tree ]
Rubber plants can grow well and produce are high on the soil and climate conditions as follows:
- Lowland until height of 200 m ( asl) optimum temperature 280 c.
- Volcanic soil types ranging from young, old and alluvial until peat soil with good drainage and aerase, not stagnant water, soil pH varies from 3, 0-8, 0,
- Rainfall 2000 - 4000 mm / year with the number of rainy days 100 -150 days.
Gramalet ® Rubber Fertilizer is a compound fertilizer tablets are formulated and manufactured specifically for rubber plants. This fertilizer will help farmers get customers various fertilizer nutrients at once. With full content covering the primary macro nutrients ( N, P, K) , secondary nutrient ( Mg, S, Ca) and micro essential nutrient ( Fe, B, Bo, Mn, Zn, Cl) and presented in the form of tablets 10 gr, registered the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia No: T905 / BSP / II / 2003.
Fer tilization by using fertilizer tablets, has the advantage, among others:
- Loss of nutrients from fertilizers that occurs through the process of leaching and erosion can be reduced
- Hara soluble fertilizer with slow release process ( slow release) so effectively and efficiently can be absorbed by plants
- Fertilizer application easier, save energy and cost of fertilizer tablet with a specific formula used by way of sinking into the soil around plants with a total dose required in accordance with
Complete Compound Fertilizer Tablet ( PMLT) using the packaging as follows:
a) packaging in the ( inner packing) : Plastic PE 0, 8-1, waterproof packaging and air, the capacity of 5 kg ( gross weight)
b) The outer packaging ( outer packing) made out of cardboard D / W: a) Size: ( 360 x 355 x 263) mm b) Type of cardboard: K 200 / 150 / K200, c) Capacity: 20 Kg.
With these specifications ensure packaging as transportation, storage and handling of transportation to the garden or between regions, including the handling at the port becomes more secure, inexpensive and easy.