Pupuk Lepas Terkendali Lada [ Fertilizer for Pepper ]
Gramalet ® Pepper is a complete compound fertilizer formulating specific to pepper plants will greatly help the farmers get a variety of fertilizer nutrients as well. This fertilizer contains comprehensive coverage of primary macro nutrients ( N, P, K) , secondary nutrient ( Mg, S, Ca) and micro essential nutrient ( Fe, B, Bo, Mn, Zn, Cl) and presented in the form of tablets 10 gr ( diameter 24 mm, thickness 15 mm) . Formula Gramalet ® Pepper has been registered with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia No: T904/ BSP/ II/ 2003.
By using a complete compound fertilizer Gramalet ® Pepper, fertilizer demand is only equivalent to 35% of the total amount / dose of a single fertilizer commonly used such as urea, SP and KCl. One ha Pepper ( TM) , for example, only requires fertilizer Gramalet ® Pepper around 120-250 kg / ha / year. Therefore, its use is very effective and efficient in order to increase farmers' income.
How to create a circle application / disc around the base of the stem, set point - the point / hole placement of fertilizer in the direction of the wind ( 4 points or up to 8 points) . Input half the recommended dosage per year split evenly at every point at a depth of 10-15 cm. Fertilization is done once per 6 months or 2 times per year. When fertilizing at the beginning and or end of the rainy season. Examples on black pepper ( TM 4) , with a dose of 100 g / Phn / yr can be made 5 holes / hole, bury each - each 2 tablets ( @ 10 g) per hole per 6 months. After the fertilizer embedded, the hole is closed again. It is recommended that at the time of fertilization, about grass roots clean from pests ( weeds) .