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  • QARI CD 2.0 - Syeikh Saad Said Al-Ghamidi

    QARI CD 2.0 - Syeikh....

    Rp 74.900

    CDs containing applications Qari Al Qur ' an murattalnya digital computer was read by Sheikh Saad Said Al-Ghamidi / sheikh Rashid masyari / sheikh Mahmud Khalil Al husairi

  • Holy Digital Quran ( Al-Quran Digital ) Book tipe RS3000NIS

    Holy Digital Quran ( ....

    Rp 1.149.500

    Tipe ini TIDAK dilengkapi lampu baca Fitur: -Memuat keseluruhan isi Al-Qur' an ( 30 juz) -Dapat mendengarkan dan membaca ayat-ayat suci Al Qur' an secara bersamaan -Dilengkapi....

  • Holy Digital Quran ( Al-Quran Digital ) Book tipe RS3000LIS

    Holy Digital Quran ( ....

    Rp 1.249.900

    This type is equipped with reading lights


    -Contains the entire contents of the Qur' an ( juz 30)
    -Able to listen and read the verses of the holy Qur' an at the....

  • Holy Digital Quran ( Al-Quran Digital ) Book tipe RS3000SHGI

    Holy Digital Quran ( ....

    Rp 1.348.900

    This new type of Tafsir Al Jalalain equipped and Riyadhus Solihin in Arabic and English text.


    -Contains the entire contents of the Qur' an ( juz 30)
    -Able to....

  • Digital Quran RS-3000 CQ4S

    Digital Quran RS....

    Rp 1.849.900

    Soon complete collection of your digital quran with the latest series of digital quran IQRA' A CQ4S model RS-3000. IPOD model design with a thin black border and gold color....

  • Digital Quran RS-3000 CQ4TS

    Digital Quran RS....

    Rp 1.499.900

    Enjoy the sophistication of multimedia features Digital Quran RS-3000 CQ4TS with stereo sound, the sharpness of the display technology, TFT Color LCD 18 " best quality and slim....

  • Phone Quran Raztel M870

    Phone Quran Raztel....


    HP M870 IS Quran Raztel Rztel revision from the previous type M880. a cell phone that makes the Koran as its main feature. HP has several advantages compared to previous series, ....

  • Al-Qur' an di atas Selembar Kulit

    Al-Qur' an di atas....

    Rp 2.889.900


    Al-Quran Juz 30 printed on one sheet of sheepskin. Unique, exclusive, elegant. Blending the art of calligraphy and arabesk with very high accuracy. One....

  • FSQ--Memahami,  Mengukur dan Melejitkan Financial Spoiritual Quotient untuk Keunggulan Diri,  Perusahaan & Masyarakat

    FSQ--Memahami, ....

    Rp 74.900

    This book has become a matter of more than 50 armed FSQ training in companies - companies and cities - large cities in Indonesia.

    Reader Comments
    " ... His book is excellent.....

  • Sajadah Queen

    Sajadah Queen

    Rp 38.900

    Believe it not, that the mat is seen in front of you this is a prayer rug design privileges Turkish mosque dome image size 60 x 105cm, made of quality materials, from acrylic yarn....

  • Sajadah Jabal Medina

    Sajadah Jabal Medina

    Rp 34.900

    Cool rug design made in Japan with a picture of Mecca with the size of Turkey' s 60 x 105cm, made of quality materials, from acrylic yarn Synthetic materials are anti-bacteria and....

  • Sarung Tenun ALIFAH SM 3 TBP

    Sarung Tenun ALIFAH....

    Rp 239.900

    Want a different woven sarong? Weaving Sarong Mesres is clearly different from other woven sarongs. Sarong is special because it is made of high quality materials, super mesres or....

  • Sarung Tenun ALIFAH SM 1 PGE

    Sarung Tenun ALIFAH....

    Rp 239.900

    You need a quality woven sarong? Weaving Sarong Mesres Alifah worth your brand make instant choices without thinking. Gloves are guaranteed good used because it is made from....

  • Sarung Tenun MAS’ AD SM 4 SEP

    Sarung Tenun MASâ € ™ ....

    Rp 219.000

    Not ordinary glove. Yes, Weaving Sarong Mesres MAS' AD brand is not just any glove gloves. Addition is made from high quality materials, cotton super, he worked by the skilled....



    Rp 239.900

    Make no mistake choosing woven sarongs. Weaving Sarong Mesres Alifah brand is made from 100% cotton number one. The quality is certainly better than the usual woven sarongs.


  • Peralatan Bekam Isi 12 Kop

    Peralatan Bekam Isi....

    Rp 160.000

    Cupping is an ancient medical procedure in the form header to a certain point on the body in a manner similar yanh akunpur.Bekam also called Al Hijamah derived from the term in....

  • Sajadah Anak Motif Pesawat Bahan Velboa

    Sajadah Anak Motif....

    Rp 85.000

    Child rug funny, and interesting available at PernikMuslim.com
    Mat this child will make children more enthusiasm for the practice of prayer.

    Children prayer rug and Embroidery....

  • Sajadah anak Bordir Aplikasi Kereta

    Sajadah anak Bordir....

    Rp 85.000

    Wanting your children learn to pray? Surely not to be missed with this kid wearing Sajadah.

    Children prayer rug and Embroidery Embroidery Computer Applications.
    The top mat is....

  • Bunayya Baby Natural Care Shampo ( 60ml)

    Bunayya Baby Natural....

    Rp 8.700

    Top Care Baby Shampoo Bunayya, is the baby shampoo with a special formula to treat and protect your baby' s scalp.

    Foam with a neutral pH does not create an eye sore and....

  • Cream Zaitun ( Plus Vit E)

    Cream Zaitun ( Plus....

    Rp 19.900

    Foreign scientists have done research on the content of the olives and extraordinary usefulness. Olive oil is rich in protein and contain many vitamins ( A, B, C and D) , and....

  • Masker & Lulur Herbal Mahkota Dewa

    Masker & Lulur....

    Rp 14.900

    Mahkota Dewa other than to treat various diseases, it also contains the alkaloid substance which is very good for the formation of skin tissue.
    Mahkota Dewa mask created with the....

  • Sari Bengkoang Hand & Body Lotion

    Sari Bengkoang Hand ....

    Rp 15.900

    Bengkoang lotion containing extract and UV filters, as a moisturizer to maintain skin moisture and make skin appear white. Every time after a bath apply uniformly throughout the....

  • Masker Wajah Sari Bengkoang

    Masker Wajah Sari....

    Rp 10.900

    Cold Powder Extract is made from flour Bengkoang Bengkoang perfumery and traditional materials

    Skin-whitening face
    -Creating a former black spots / black spots on....

  • Zulu ( Bedak,  Masker & Lulur )

    Zulu ( Bedak, Masker....

    Rp 25.900

    Zulu masks and scrubs are new discoveries in the world of beauty, this powder is very unique. Its function is not limited to just cosmetic, the powder can be used as a supplement....

  • Sabun Mandi Herbal - Sari Bengkoang

    Sabun Mandi Herbal -....

    Rp 4.900

    Natural herbal Bengkoang familiar with our lives. Not just useful for consumption, bengkoangpun have important benefits for skin and facial treatments. Bengkoang efficacious....

  • Sabun Mandi Herbal - Madu

    Sabun Mandi Herbal -....

    Rp 4.900

    Honey Bees since thousands of years ago has been used as one of the cosmetic facial and skin. Herbal bath soap specially formulated honey from honey bees, so safe to use for the....

  • Sabun Mandi Herbal - Bunga Mawar

    Sabun Mandi Herbal -....

    Rp 4.900

    Roses always been used as a treatment and skin care, natural scent of roses also has a property not a little to the fitness and health therapies. Herbal soaps contain herbal akami....

  • Sabun Mandi Herbal - Mangir

    Sabun Mandi Herbal -....

    Rp 4.900

    Herbal Bath Soap bahan2 Mangir natural and made from high quality ingredients Mangir derngan content in it. Serves to refine, skin care, cleaning, thickening and remove the skin....

  • Sabun Mandi Herbal- Sari Rapet

    Sabun Mandi Herbal-....

    Rp 4.900

    Herbal Bath Soap Sari Rapet mixed dri effective natural herbal and safe for treatment of female organs. This serves to clean the vagina soap, cure leucorrhoea, itching on the area....

  • Sabun Mandi Herbal - Susu

    Sabun Mandi Herbal -....

    Rp 4.900

    Milk soap is a natural ingredient that is useful for skin and facial treatments. Soap is efficacious help rejuvenate facial skin and all members of the body, to restore the....

  • Sabun mandi Herbal - Zaitun

    Sabun mandi Herbal -....

    Rp 4.900

    The Prophet said what means:
    " Eat your body with olive oil and minyakilah because he was really a blessed tree dri"

    Olive tree is mentioned in Quran and hadith. Fruit and....

  • Sabun Mandi Herbal - Habbatus sauda

    Sabun Mandi Herbal -....

    Rp 5.900

    Habbatus sauda special herb that has a variety of stunning properties. One atunya to treat skin and face. Sauda Habbatus herbal bath soap formulated specifically for skin care....

  • Savina - Green

    Savina - Green

    Rp 7.900

    Faces is part of our body that require special care. Herba Savina soap helps health care, softness, and smoothness of the skin. Specially formulated from natural ingredients more....

  • Savina - Pink

    Savina - Pink

    Rp 7.900

    Faces is part of our body that require special care. Herba Savina soap helps health care, softness, and smoothness of the skin. Specially formulated from natural ingredients more....

  • Savina - Blue

    Savina - Blue

    Rp 7.900

    Faces is part of our body that require special care. Herba Savina soap helps health care, softness, and smoothness of the skin. Specially formulated from natural ingredients more....

  • Sabun herbal Turtle Olief

    Sabun herbal Turtle....

    Rp 5.900

    Herbal Soap TurtleOlief is to tighten and smooth the skin, skin free from acne and black spots. TurtleOlief Herbal Soaps made from natural ingredients struck oil, olive oil, cow' ....

  • Sabun Mandi Herbal Sereh

    Sabun Mandi Herbal....

    Rp 4.900

    Or a lemongrass lemongrass soap has been used since long for skin and body care. This herbal soap empirically berhasiat overcome pimply skin, cleansing, softening, smoothing the....

  • Parfum Non Alkohol

    Parfum Non Alkohol

    Rp 14.500

    Perfume is a need for every Muslim, is not sunnah for the Muslim setaip to wear perfume when they wanted to worship.

    Well this perfume is a non alcoholic fragrances suitable....

  • Cream Zaitun plus Madu

    Cream Zaitun plus....

    Rp 19.900

    Olive Cream Honey Plus
    is a versatile cream, practical, and powerful. Made from natural ingredients and high quality, and has proved his usefulness.

    - Treating....

  • Safira ( Sabun Lulur Herba)

    Safira ( Sabun Lulur....

    Rp 5.900

    We all know that scrubs is one way to treat facial skin and beauty naturally. Scrub efficacious for treating subtlety, health and skin kecermalangan. Scrub can also be efficacious....

  • Minyak Mumtasa

    Minyak Mumtasa

    Rp 15.000

    Rub oil Mumtasa traditional ingredients is blended from a variety of herbs that are beneficial. Among Cocos oleum ( oil palm) , oleum terebinthinae ( pine oil) , Zingiberis....

  • Sabun mandi Herbal - Green Tea

    Sabun mandi Herbal -....

    Rp 5.900

    Green Tea ( Camelia Sinensis) contains polyphenol compounds, antioxidants that can eliminate free radicals that damage cells and cause premature aging of cells. Greentea extract....

  • Minyak Rambut Herbal - Rumman

    Minyak Rambut Herbal....

    Rp 21.000

    Rumman Herbal Hair Oil enriched with virgin olive oil ekdtra to protect hair from the damaging effects of ultra violet light. God willing, your hair will be more natural shine, ....

  • Bath Salt Green Tea

    Bath Salt Green Tea

    Rp 45.000

    Pourvous bath salts contains amazing natural to provide nutrients and minerals needed to maintain your body stay healthy skin from within. Pourvous salt bath also helps to cleanse....

  • Bath Salt Musk

    Bath Salt Musk

    Rp 45.000

    Pourvous bath salts contains amazing natural to provide nutrients and minerals needed to keep your body skin to stay healthy from the inside. Pourvous salt baths can also help to....

  • Body Butter Milk

    Body Butter Milk

    Rp 33.500

    Yes, It' s Milk again! Milk is beneficial to smooth the skin and makes skin smooth, shine and no scales. Sweet Milk! Yummy!

    net: 50 g

    for reservations, please contact the ' ....

  • Body Butter Rose

    Body Butter Rose

    Rp 33.500

    Want your skin feeling soft and moist? Rose Body Butter contains Shea butter and olive oil which serves to maintain the natural moisture and dry skin can also be applied to you....

  • Body Butter Strawberry

    Body Butter....

    Rp 33.500

    With natural aromatic essential oils containing strawberry puree and Gynecology Pourvous Shea Butter Body Butter in Strawberry can help care for and maintain your skin.


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