Milkfish Crispy is awesome fisheries product. Indonesian peoples likes this food because very easy to cook and contains nutrients for healthy You can order in this site. happy shopping
Hi .. We have some fisheries product. Its like tuna, shrimp, milkfish, and so on. Located in Indonesian who have a lot of fisheries sources. Grab it fast ! ! !
Who does not know brains milkfish, typical food from Semarang? One of processed milkfish generally sold ripe and ready to fry, served complete together chili and packed for a souvenir for visitors to....
Our company sells some good fishery products and nutritious. Processed meat fishing very safe and better than other meats. The products we are selling includebakso bandeng, batari, cumiring, dori....
Kepiting Soka is product from ocean and we make it to be a unique product to sell. We produce this product in Malang. And we promote in all of the world
Fisheries product is product from ocean and we make it to be a unique product to sell. We produce this product in Malang. And we promote in all of the world
The processed products made from basic catfishes who of junk. With enovasi children liked to fisheries products.
Fishery products one of the products that have the highest nutritional value. Moreover, the actual price is affordable but the people already were thinking that fishery products are expensive....
Many of the nutrients in fish products that can be processed by any menu . Healthy life with fishery products
fishery product is a product that has advantages over other products. because the content is in it.
Based on the Development and Testing Center for Quality of Fishery Products ( 1996) , The content of omega-3 in fish of 14.2% over the content of omega-3 in salmon ( 2.6% ) , tuna ( 0.2% ) and....
This company offers products in the field of fisheries in particular. we are ready to take your orders if the minimum number of 10 kinds preformance. and we offer a product that is hygienic and....
Scallops is very easy to eat by child or oldman. This Milkfish Scallop contains many nutrients and good for your health. If you dont have time for cooking fish , this scallops help you. Just fried....
andrea' s Seafood is company in fisheries. We serve many kind of seafood. Our product catch by fisherman in all of Indonesia sea. The seafood process by international standard. so, it' ll very clean, ....
This product is a solution for those of you who have never tasted the delights of fillet steak and Sagat suitable for steak lovers especially fish steaks .
Starting from the desire and consumption Angan see today, where necessary quality products at very affordable prices. Therefore our company present to be able to meet consumer desires.
frozen fish products that have quality and good quality
we provide a wide range of frozen fish with good quality and reliable quality assurance
Fisheries product Cumi Flower is product from ocean and we make it to be a unique product to sell. We produce this product in Malang. And we promote in all of the world.
Fisheries product is product from ocean and we make it to be a unique product to sell. We produce this product in Malang. And we promote in all of the world.
has a high nutritional value, easy to though and very good for growing children.
This company is engaged in the fisheries.
HIGH QUALITY It is very good and delicious This product is very good
our company sell many kind product of fisheries. example : bandeng cryspy, scallop bandeng and many else.
This product in the form of shrimp already peeled shrimp , nutritious and can be instantly fried .
our company sell many product of fisheries such as batari, otak-otak bandeng, tengiri steak and many else.
The shape of this MILKFISH SAUSAGE not oval like sausages in general. SAUSAGE appearance MILKFISH still like the original form, the head and tail of fish is maintained. However spines of fish have....
Our company is engaged in the marketing of fishery products .
Dori fish contain unsaturated fatty acids ( omega 3 or fat is needed for the growth of brain cells and infant intelligence also serves to reduce the body' s production of inflammatory particles that....
April Fish Products is a company that sells a wide range of processed fishery products frozen. products are sold among which banding krispy, squid peeled, peeled shrimp, crab claws, tuna, local dori, ....