Paper bag, kantong semen, kantong semen, kantong semen, paper sack, sandwich bag, woven laminated bag, laminated bag, woven bag, cement bag, kraft bag, craft bag, karung semen, kantong kertas, karung....
Pupuk npk multiarah 18 sangat efektip untuk semuah jenis tanaman karna kombinasu anorganik dan organik
Perusahaan Kami berjalan dbidang pertanian menjual sarana pertanian. Pupuk non subsidi urea, dan npk juga pestisida. Npk multiarah 18 bahan baku super kombinasi anorganik dan organik sangat efektip ....
Biological fertilizers Rhizobium, Rhizobium inoculants Sell, Sell Rhizobium bacteria http: / / | 085 654 237 113 We are Manufacturer / Distributor of Rhizobium inoculants, ....
Distributor of agricultural products, special ORGANIC FERTILIZER. INSTANT GOLD ( Multipurpose Organic Fertilizer) Organic fertilizers are made using German technology machines. PREMIUM QUALITY....
Spuyer/ Sepuyer/ Spraiyer Spuyer/ Sepuyer/ Spraiyer Spuyer/ Sepuyer/ Spraiyer
Our Company product all furniture hardware from casting brass and solid brass, tin and alloy metal become indoor furniture accessories, garden furniture accessories and building component. TIGA....
Organic plants suvenir with no chemical fertilizer/ pesticide. Suitable for wedding souvenir, green events and other events. Choices of Mint, Basil, Parsley Curly and Parsley Flat, oregano, marjoram....
We serve good quality organic produce and services such as : 1. BABY Organic vegetable and Little BABY Organic vegetable for your baby 2. Organic Home Gardening one day training 3. Organic....
Urea non-subsidi: 4.550~ 4.600 ZA/ Amsul: 2.450~ 2.550 Rock Phosphate ex Egypt/ Mesir: 1.500~ 1.600 TSP: 5.100~ 5.200 KCl Rusia: 5.100~ 5.200 Dolomit mesh 80: 250~ 260 Kiesrite China sintetis: ....
UD.ANEKA PUPUK INDONESIA, Standing on 24th April 2008, with the aim to participate in the movement of the fertilizer business in Indonesia. Where the business opportunities in this field are still....
Dicalcium Phosphate  Dicalcium Phosphate function in farm animals  Dicalcium phosphate can be used as fertilizer and animal feed that act as supporting the growth and reproduction of....
Pupuk TSP ( Triple Super Phosphate) Pupuk TSP ( Triple Super Phosphate) Pupuk TSP ( Triple Super Phosphate) Pupuk TSP ( Triple Super Phosphate) Pupuk TSP ( Triple Super Phosphate) Pupuk TSP ( Triple....
PT. Profeta Guna Mandiri is a national trading company based in Jakarta - Indonesia. Our main specialization is bulk commodities trading especially fertilizer and its raw materials. PT. Profeta....
Biogas Digester BD 1000L is a biogas plant for cooking fuel at the household level and the provision of logistical needs to move ( camping, the generation of energy in order to survival in the jungle....
Act as a marketing company agency the field of waste processing equipment and composted organic fertilizer in a practical way - into a solid form of organic fertilizer, bulk, granule and liquid. PT.....
One of our waste water bacteria product ( anaerobic) that used for : 1. neutralize of waste water in industry, human waste in septic tank, kitchen waste 2. to quicken of composting process ( solid....
as distributor of environment product ( made in Indonesia) : - Decomposer bacteria : aerobic & anaerobic, - Incinerator cap. 0.01 M3/ hour - 1 M3/ hour or others ( customized order) - making & ....
Granulator machine functions are spherical granules maker, this machine can be made to make pupul granular organic and phosphate fertilizers
Machine modern is a company industry Adress in malang east java
PANGSAENAÂ ® PANGSAENAÂ ® Supplement containing the complete macro and micro elements that constitute the development of the latest formula so it has a remarkable ability to increase production and....
Nazwacorp is agent especially Fitness & exercise with healthy food product.
SUNFERT fertilizer for agriculture and fisheries may increase the production of 40-100% and reduce the use of chemical fertilizers by 50% as well as environmentally friendly. FERTILIZER SUNFERT....
CV.AGRO GLOBAL MANDIRI is a distributor company in agroculture namely : fertilizer, pestiside, etc.
Granular Fertilizer Maker - granulator machine for reservations contact us at: 0812343398-085755144602
Bio Fertilizer Organic Fertilizer Herbafarm is produced by PT Sidomuncul Semarang Indonesia WHAT IS THE ROLE OF WORK HERBAFARM In plants? - Herbafarm hormones increase fertilizer efficiency and....
PT. Nutrend International is a network marketing company that officially opened on June 30, 2006. Under the banner Sido Appears Group. PT. Nutrend International aspires to take part in alleviating....