HOTEL GUEST ROOM ELECTRICAL CONTROL PANEL, Stand alone electrical control panel mosttly control different equipment' s to switch on or offf, background music' s play, air condition volume and do not....
We are: Distribrutor " HUNE" HOTEL SMART CARD LOCK for Indonesia area. It are including Key card Hotel Lock , Energy Saving Unit Switch ( Key Taq) , Hotel Room Electric Control Panel-Bedside....
Cabinet lock with RFID sensing, make customer convieneien cause the key always at wrist
JUST SHAKE OR PASS YOUR CARD, sometime without taking it of the wallet If you are new hotel or you want to upgrade the old hotel lock system ( punch/ magnetic card) , this type is very exactly....
IC Card adopted from Siemens Germany, Alloy raw material with electroplated
Adopt IC Card Siemens German Technology with quite simple model but Elegan.
LIFT - ELEVATOR ACCESS CONTROL using smart card ( IC card or RF/ Proximity card)
SIMPLE & POWERFULL, stand alone or network access control for office door, edp, warehouse, library, laboratorium etc.
Very usefull for saving energy in Electric Energy Crisis
Evolution model flow to go to future to be perfect,
many hotel like this model, but now it equipt with new technolgy
Special design for star hotel or luxury passenger ship with modern style
High performance, allumen escutcheon with solid allumen handle
Elegant streamline figure, solid brass cover plate and brass handle with more durability