EBRO ARMATUREN Actuator Technology Electric Actuators E 50 - E 210 A compact series of actuators for open/ close and control functions.
" EBRO ARMATUREN" PT. SUPLINDO 88 as Distributor EBRO Armaturen Germany for sell Product EBRO Buterfly Valve and Actuator ( Pneumatic Actuator Double and Single Acting, Electric Actuator) in....
EBRO ARMATUREN Actuator Technology Pneumatic Actuator EB-EW, Single-Acting A single acting pneumatic actuator constructed to the " Scotch yoke" principle.
" EBRO Armaturen" Actuator Technology Pneumatic Actuator EB-DW, Double Acting A double acting pneumatic actuator constructed to the " Scotch yoke" principle.
High Performance Valve Lug Type Butterfly Valve HP 114 A high-performance lug type valve suitable for high pressure and high temperature applications.
" EBRO Armaturen" PTFE Valves Double Flanged Type Butterfly Valve T 212-A Double flanged PTFE-lined butterfly valve for Shut-off and Control Services in the chemical industry.
" EBRO Armaturen" PTFE-Valve Wafer Type Butterfly Valve T 211-A PTFE-lined wafer type valve for chemicals and high-corrosive media.
" EBRO Armaturen" Resilient Seated Butterfly Valves Wafer Type Butterfly Valve Z 011-AS A light weighted wafer type valve to be used in public swimming pools.