Pimpinella pruatjan Molkenb. Familia: Apiaceae Indonesia: Purwoceng, Purwaceng, tanaman Purwaceng * * SMS= + 62858-763-89979 * * SMS= + 6281-901-389-117 * * SMS= + 6281-32622-0589 * * Email= ....
Dipokusumo Farm is supplier for agrobusiness products Dipokusumo Farm is the supplier for fruit plants and flower plants. The collection for fruit plants is over 100 varieties from local and....
Thyme ( Thymus) Plantae Organic Plant Foods= Dill, Basil, Chives, Oregano, parsley, Sage, Rosemary, Thyme, Chili, Mint, Bayleaf > > SMS= 081-32622-0589 > > SMS= 081-901-389-117 eMAIL= ....