Denso CPT 750/ 1000 is anti-corrosion material for pipes hidrant located in the soil ( planted) , in use between Denso Denso CPT CPT 750 or 1000 in accordance with the land force.
Established since September 19, 2004, which initially we only sell snacks, in its development, we are finally able to supply almost all the needs of offices and small companies which make us grow....
Bambang Sugiyanto as the inventor describes the concept of power-efficient performance of this mini tool. The main engine of this tool is a miniature capacitor bank. These capacitors function....
Office Container currently very suitable for business development as a representative office / branch, cafe, shop or any business that can easily be placed in areas that are not too large.
Denso Paste S105 is a soft petrolatum primer containing water displacing corrosion inhibiting and ow control additives. The primer can be applied by gloved hand or stiff bristle brush. Denso Paste....
Densopol 80 HT Tape, Petrolatum multi thd corrosion protection system is a long-term multi-component system that remains permanently plastic and flexible and offers excellent stability and shelf-life....
Accommodation Container is equipped with toilet facilities for the convenience of staff in the resting comfortably.
Container Office / PortaCamp in accordance with the design requirements of your company, we will be ready for production within 7 working days with 3 year warranty service, because your satisfaction....
Container for a place to stay, relax or rest, which can be placed in the garden of the house as something else ...
Denso Tape Anti-corrosion and Sealing products have a proven track record of solving problems in all kinds of challenging environments, worldwide, above or below ground and under water.
Container accommodation for 16 personnel at designated low-level employees at the project site which is very convenient.
Container ablution are used as bathing, defecating, where whudu and others, is in need of work in remote areas such as mining and plantation