Forklift diesel forklift is a type most widely used in the industry due to generally designed for outdoor and more resilient in the rain and heat with considerable variance from 1.5 tons up to 43....
PT.Kasana Teknindo was establish in 1997 to succeed the former Sole Distributor of heavy equipment from TCM Corp. of Japan, with total staff 0f 115 person. PT. Kasana Teknindo is affiliated with the....
Forklift is an invaluable tool for the needs of the industrial world in general, and for nearly 90% of the sector need this tool. The type of forklift is quite diverse as: diesel forklift, battery....
Electric forklifts are one type of a wide range of material handling that offers environmentally friendly ( green ISO) because of pollution that can be minimized with added noise that is not noisy so....
Diesel Forklift widely used for heavy industry and usually for outdoor use, to be able to maneuver requires a fairly wide area.
One of the tools for construction machinery wheel loader is where this tool can scratch stuff or something so fast in his work.
TCM forklift material handling is a pioneer in Japan where for the moment been included into the five major forklift brands circulating in the world, including: toyota forklifts, komatsu forklifts, ....
Forklift is a necessity and job aids for heavy industrial jobs that humans can not do it, because of the weight of goods to be removed. In this case we need FORKLFT
mentransfer derek merupakan Alat untuk pemindahan Kontainer masuk Dan keluar agar MEDIA NUSANTARA terjadi overlap.
container reachstacker is tool to bring an empty container or contained.
container depot is a new base container ship or aircraft taken from the sender
hydraulic excavators is an excavator with hydraulic system to move the arm.
big excavator is an excavator with a big bouquet of a larger size to be more rapid in pengerjaanya ..
excavator is a machine widely used in industry, infrastructure, plantations, mining, and roads.
We provide automotive trucks with various types such as: SIH 6x4, 6x4 Kairui, 8 X4 Kairui
tipper truck is widely used for heavy industry and worked nonstop for long distance