Galon Cap for Reffil Water Depot. The Best Quality ( bending easily torn and not leaking) Accept orders outside the city, transfer to the expedition.
A. WATER DIVISION Distribution Refill Water Depot Spare Part - Galon cap - Tissue - Anti Spill Lid HEAD OFFICE EAST JAVA AREA Lebak Indah Utara II Blok B No. 23 Surabaya Phone: + 62 31....
GE Merlin | RO Merlin | Reverse Osmosis | Merlin Pentair | RO Pentair The new MERLIN - PENTAIR Reverse Osmosys System features for Tap Water, use drinking water system. Big innovation, bigger....
Best Seller Type 1. Filmtec BW 30-4040 ( 2400 GPD) Advantages: High rejection gives good water quality; durable with good cleanability for long element life; Filmtec Performance and....
UV Sterilight SC 600 | SC 740 | Surabaya | Yogyakarta and Central Java | Jakarta | Bekasi | Samarinda UV Sterilight SC 600 and SC 740 is an ultra violet COBALT best-in-class, suitable for use in....
Sterilight Ultraviolet | SP 410 - HO | SP 950 - HO | Surabaya | Yogyakarta and Central Java | Jakarta | Bekasi | Samarinda Sterilight Ultraviolet SP 410 - HO & SP 950 HO, type platinum is the....
Ozone Sterilight S2Q-OZ | S8Q-OZ | Surabaya | Yogyakarta and Central Java | Jakarta | Bekasi | Samarinda Ozone Sterilight S2Q - OZ & S8Q- OZ an ozone-best-in-class lighting system, suitable for....
Sterilight S12Q-PA | S8Q-PA | S5Q-PA | Surabaya | Yogyakarta and Central Java | Jakarta | Bekasi | Samarinda Sterilight type S12Q-PA, S8Q-PA, S5Q-PA is the best in its class, suitable for water....
Range 0.00 to 5.00 ppm ( mg/ L) Resolution 0.01 ppm ( mg/ L) Accuracy @ 25 ° C  ± 0.04 ppm  ± 2% of reading
Dossing pump chemical Best seller type 1. Chemtech 100-030 | 30 GPD 2. Chemtech 150-100 | 100 GPD
7 Stage Ultra Violet Water Sterilizer System ( ALEXA Series â € “ 16 GPM) 1st : Activated Carbon Blok Filter for removing the chlorine, odor, and bad taste 2nd : PP Filter Cartridge 5 Â µ for....
Type : CK Series - ST 50 GPD Premium RO 5 - Stage Reverse Osmosis System with UV Sterilizer The ClearChoice premium reverse Osmosis system combines the nano filtration of a quality 50 gallon....