Copper Sulphate is a kind of fertilizer that basis contain is Copper which use for adding copper malnutrient soil.
OurCompany is dealing in distribute Fertilizer and Plantation. Our products various start from Fertilizer, Polybag, LCC and harvesting tools.PT.Panen raya Persada was established in 2003 and base in....
Ammonium sulfate ( ZA) is a single fertilizer which contains the element nitrogen ( N) and sulfur ( S) which is useful for: Nitrogen ( N) can make more fresh green plants, accelerate and enhance....
SP Plus 3.6 SP Plus 3.6 is one of the SP-36 fertilizer contemporary. SP Plus 3.6 is present due to the increasingly difficult for farmers to obtain fertilizer SP-36. Benefits of Fertilizer SP 3....
We KAMASA, Surabaya is one of the growing company and is engaged in general trading & contracting ( Oil & Gas, Mining & Minerals, Fertilizers) . We feel very proud to be able to serve all the....
Dried Stevia, we provide high quality dried stevia leaves, with and without the twig. Our product is organically grown, using local organic compost. We can continously supply in high demand industry.
This is our Main Product. We are beginning our factory since 1990. And we delivery to all Indonesian Province. And starting Eksport to Timor Leste in 2009. Quality and On time Guarantee is our....
Our Company expert in Fertilizer for Agriculture since 1980. We developt Agro Industry, General Trading, Export and another product for agriculture. Especially Fertilizer : Chemistry Fertilizer and....
K-LINK Bioboost a biological fertilizer containing soil microorganisms superior, useful for improving soil fertility as a result of soil biochemical processes. The combination of the use of K-LINK....
Lanscape, gardening and all the work of maintenance, supplay-work-maintenance-rental of plant and gardening
Rental indoor Plant, Put on Guarantee grass, Decorate, decorative plants Rent, the Maintenance Service of the Garden, Bermudan golf Grass for the golf-course, CONTACT Sutarno the TELEPHONE: 021....
Bio Mikro Ternak Bio Mikro Ternak Biological Fertilizer using AGPI ( Agricultural Growth Promoting Inoculant) formula invented by Prof Lukman Gunarto Benefit Of Bio Mikro Ternak 1. Increase weft....
CV Dwi Tunggal Prasetyo has 5 main business : Fertilizer, Ornamental Plant, Furniture, Coal and Property FERTILIZER CV Dwi Tunggal Prasetyo as Biological Fertilizer Manufacturer for AGRO....
We are a shipping agency, logistics ( shipping) , offers transportation services overseas and domestic ships. with a cargo of fertilizer, cement, pipes, iron-iron, ( project items) either using a....
we have duty in shipping offer. To carrying cargo within break bulk cargo, cement cargo, coal, etc. So you have cargo ( break bulk or other) please call us, we will services to you about it & we will....
CV.ALAM LESTARI Adalah Perusahan yang bergerak di bidang Supplier bibit unggul untuk sektor Pertanian, perkebunan dan Perdagangan.
CV.ALAM LESTARI CV. Alam Lestari Company is .... Durian, Duku Palembang, cocoa, coffee Non 2.Pupuk Local Subsidies and import and Pesticides Urea-PUSRI, Cleaver, acc -NPK 16-1616 -SP36 3....
BHOSKA is NPK fertilizer that suitable for any kind of crop.
SITUS PUPUK ORGANIK AND NPK is a company that specially in distribution of any kind of fertilizer, in granular ang liquid. our product is organic fertilizer and NPK fertilizer that suitable for any....
Spicialist of Agriculture Equipment Blower, Mixer, Extruder, Mesin Pemotong, Alat/ Mesin Feed Pelleting PlantAlat/ Mesin Rice Milling Plant- Diesel Engine, Combine Master- Rice Milling, One Pass....
Agriculture Industri We Produce Agriculture .... * Pengekstrak minyak ( oil press) * Penyemprot pupuk / hama * Pemotong rumput & pengebor * Pompa air ( centrifugal pump) * Screw conveyor Mesin....
Food Processing Refrigeration Packaging Agricultural Equipment * Strapping machine / mesin pengikat karton / kardus * Cup Sealer Machine / mesin penutup gelas plastik * Shrink Tunnel / mesin....
CV Graha Mesin Gloablindo: Produce & Supplier Machines / Equipment. Food Processing, Refrigeration, Packaging, Agricultural Equipment Specialist.
Potassium K is a nutrient that is multipurpose and stimulate uptake of other nutrients. Because of the need for the highest palm, it is necessary to the efficiency and effectiveness of fertilizer use....
CV. Krishna is the company Etam SAPROTAN PROSPER TRADING SAPROTAN headquarters are located in Kampung address Bubulak RT 02 RW 04 Sub Sub Bojongkulur BOGOR Gunung Putri District 16 969 WEBSITE: www....