PT. PMJN Engineering, Industrial Machinery Manufacturer and Construction Crusher Machine produces multipurpose model of Hammer Mill, which is used to destroy any kind of rock material, ....
PMJN Engineering.CV ( Putra Manunggal Jaya Nusantara) Established in 2006, located in Surabaya. Initiated by Sepuluh Nopember Institute Of Technology ( ITS) Alumni. Started by Young Entrepreneur....
Soil pH & Humidity Tester DM 5 Takemura SOIL pH & MOISTURE TESTER TAKEMURA DM-5 Soil pH and Moisture Tester Range : pH 3.5 - 8, Moisture 0 - 100 %
" Mitra Karya Sejati " - Jakarta Indonesia " sells laboratory equipment and train the use of laboratory equipment.Our products sell water analysis laboratory equipment, chemical analysis, ....
FEATURES - Accurate at low flows - Simple and durable - Compatible with a variety of chemicals - Visual flow monitoring ( SPX Only) APPLICATIONS - Low flow monitoring - Chemical batching -....
type of flow meter, model flow meter, type flow meter, Flowmeter, Flow Meter, Analog flow meter, Automatic Meter Reading, Calorimetric, Calorimetric flow transmitter, cheap water flow meter, chemical....
PENDAHULUAN Salam Kenal, PT. Kharismapratama .... fibre, tankos, press fiber, press fibre, kecambah, pupuk, bibit, tandan kosong, janjangan, janjang kosong, tandan buah segar, PPKS, penelitian....
Basket + multi-function cap printed with a range of size deluxe color that is suitable for all household needs ( clothing, garbage, etc..) And industrial ( fertilizer storage containers, industrial....
Our company is engaged in the distribution of kitchen appliances, household and industry for more than 30 years in Pasar Turi, Surabaya. We sell locally produced goods and imports with the price and....
ERGENE ER.883 Inorganic Multi Purpose Non Melt Compound US.Products Grease Lubricants containing materials Graphyte and Molybdenum-disulphide. Made from high quality raw materials to protect....
CV.Jaya Agung Pratama established since 2002 and has customers from: Factories, Hotels, Automotive, etc. CV.Jaya Agung Pratama is a Special Product Trade Company Starting from the product, Operate ....
We supply woven plastic bags for agricultural products such as rice, fertilizer, sugar cane, etc with custom measurements and thickness.
Major Plastics is a privately owned plastics manufacturing and converting company, located in Lawang, East Java, Indonesia. We serve a number of industry leaders in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods ( ....
NPK Tester, Alat Uji kadar NPK Pupuk : Contact : HP 08211 2015 928, e-mail : k111222555@
alat beton alat tanah alat aspal uji beton .... Kompos, Mesin Granulator Kompos | Mesin Granulator Pupuk Organik, Mesin Pengering Kompos | Mesin Rotary Dryer Kompos, Cetak Kompos Manual | Mesin....
CV. RAKAJU LAB TEKNIK.supplier peralatan Quality .... Kompos, Mesin Granulator Kompos | Mesin Granulator Pupuk Organik, Mesin Pengering Kompos | Mesin Rotary Dryer Kompos, Cetak Kompos Manual | Mesin....
Alat ujipupuk, Uji Pupuk Fertilizer Test  tools to establish levels of fertilizer nutrients rapidly in the field based on the simplification of the fertilizer analysis  Consists of:  - 1....
CV. Romora TAMA is Manufacturing Company, maker .... Surber Type Stream Bottom Sampler Swing sampler Uji Pupuk uji tanah sawah | PUTS Alat Uji Tanah Kering Soil pH, Moisture, Lux & Temp ( ....
In Australia, they are sometimes known as Safety Switches or an RCD while in the United States and Canada, a residual-current device is most commonly known as a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter ( ....
SELLING CROUSE-HINDS, APPLETON, CHALMIT LIGHTING, Chalmit-lighting, KIllark, Killark-lighting, HUBBELL, HUBBLLE, Hubbell-L ighting, KUMWELLWe also sell Crousehind in Indonesia, Appleton in Indonesia.....
Biogas Digester BD 1000L or also called as portable biogas digester is the plant for cooking fuel at the household level. However, it can also be used in the provision of logistical needs to move ( ....
PT. Cipta Visi Sinar Kencana, derived from CV to Limited Company ( PT) with Ano Notaries Muhammad, SH No. 5 and Indonesia of Justice Registration No.C- 03484th HT.01.01 Th 2006. Making agriculture ( ....
No. PRODUCT TYPE SIZE PRICE/ Kg 1 POSKALMIC ( Si-P) Granular Rp. 1250, - 2 TSP 36 Granular Rp. 975, - 3 PHOSCA Granular Rp. 975, - 4 NPTJP Granular Rp.....
Consulting Services that produce products and services at competitive prices, with priority to customer satisfaction and capable of producing commercial performance for a healthy and sustainable....
WELCOME to AQUARIA SHOP We offer the very best .... and nitrate. â € ¢ Effective for minimum 3 years Pupuk Tanaman AQUABASIS PLUS â € ¢ JBL Fertilizing Products from Germany Click picture to....
We distribute and supply aquarium products for homes, apartments, offices, hospitals, shopping center, fishshops, aquaria and farmers. RESUN with its worldwide reputation for manufacturing aquarium....