ampelusawit, founded in 2008 as a palm oil plantation in Jambi.
The Palm Kernel shell is an alternative of sustainable fuel and environmentally friendly burn, with the calories ranging from 3.850 kcal to up to 4.200kcal db ( actual in furnace can be make coal....
quality of the oil that we market directly from a depot replenishment without any mixture of oil and we guarantee fitting dose according to your corporate booking.
PT.SAMUDRA ENERGI LESTARI ALAM( PT.SELA) Engaged in marketing and distribution of solar HSD ( Hight Speed Diesel) , we PT.Samudra Natural Sustainable Energy is committed to maintain and....
we produce plastic pellets of plastic scrap or recycled, we provide various kinds of plastic pellets. and we will meet the needs of your company
QueenTermitesis a company engaged in the field of plastic processing recycled into plastic pellets are of good quality. we will make cooperation with your company and we will meet the needs of....
Floor Marble/ Granite cleaning services with polishing method, Crystallization, and Coating through 7 stages of work are: Cleaning, Fill in the holes, Reflat, Refine, Recolor, Crystallization, and....
Serengam Jaya Teknik is a company engaged in the care and maintenance of building services ( Building Maintenance Services) working with Jambi region. One of the products of our services are: ....
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CV.Mitra Mandiri sell various wood in jambi area: Available wood jungle mix of various types such as wood, meranti wood, Bulian, punak, medang, chelates, guinea fowl, rengas, puseran, racuk, ....
sawmill, playwoods, variety of processed wood
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we are looking for investors who are interested in cooperation in the coal mines in the mining permit exploration and production operations with 4800 calories adb, adb 5500 calories, 5800 calories....
Our group company is the owner of several coal mining permits and other associated minerals that have the permit area on the island of Sumatra and Sulawesi. ready for cooperation with the fee per ton....
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