we are a cassava flour product based in central of java in indonesia..our products from 150 up to 250 tons each month..and we used to supplied into many industries in our country and others....
we are a cassava flour product based in central of java in Purwoketo town..our capacity product is 150 up to 250 tons each month..and we used to supplied into many industries in Indonesia and also....
This Product is special Design for Jointing Wall Panel Shelter & Wall Cold Storage. Economic Price.
-Total Plastic Solution-, The Company of Plastic & Rubber Injection Moulding ( This Page Underconstruction. Please Visit Us : WWW.FAMILY PLASTIC.INDONETWORK.CO.ID ) For more detail information....
Kawak Furniture Jepara is the realization of Jepara furniture tradition inherited from generation to generation. Jepara furniture as the center of the world is not just nonsense. Garden furniture or....
Dhea' s art is a meubel furniture and art
Dining sets / dining table set clam model. In view of a spiral-shaped table size is large enough, so that it functions as a dining table. Dining table features 6 seats, so it suffices used to eat....
Kursi Kepiting ( Chair crab) is a craft from Jepara, which is made of solid wood with a diameter of at least 70 cm. Craft was shaped chairs and tables
Welcome to Indonesian copper arts& crafts online. We are manufacturer and Supplier of Antique hammered brass and copper handicraft ( brass copper art) in Indonesia. We have earned a reputation for....
Welcome to our company PT.Kharyawibangga Copyright Karsa, Our company provides all products and components for industrial materials manufacturing Food / Pharmacy / Textile and Mines such as: ....
Templek stone or stone plate is one type of building material in the favorite by many people to meghiasi walls as well as home gardens , so naturally memorable . In recent years a lot of people in....
Surya Alam We are Seller and supplier of Natural Stone, Stone Plate Banjarnegara mainly gray, brown stone plate, black plate and stone of all types of sizes, from random materials, cutting machine....
We Producing clothes hanger. Made of dimeter 3mm coated wire material hose diameter 5mm. Not easily broken. Resistant to sun shine and rain. Could save costs. with size Width 41cm Height 18cm. A pack....
We are a local craft industry that took place in Temanggung, Central Java, as the headquarters. which produce hanger / hanger veil, with its main ingredient wire and hose, place the main ingredient....
Kami menjual bata merah dari beberapa daerah, yang dibuat dengan menggunakan cara manual maupun mesin press dengan beberapa ukuran seperti: 1. 4 x 10 x 20 2. 5 x 10 x 21 3. 6 x 10 x 22 dan....
Kami adalah Perusahaan PRIENA JASA berdomisili di Semarang, yang bergerak dibidang pengadaan, suplay material, dan jasa sarana angkutan dalam kota maupun luar kota dengan unit armada engkel, truk, ....
A textile industry which produce polyester yarns
The Tapioca Starch drying sun, from PT. Suryapati Kencana
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