- General Contracktors & Supplier - Support Office Equipment - Computer Service & Equipment - Mekanical & Electrical - Jasa Boga ( Catering Services ) - Labour Supply - Home Desain & Furniture
We are work at hospitality industry, have 76 rooms, meeting room, hall, restaurant and strategic location at the middlie of balikpapan city of indonesia
We have ready stock steam coal : QTY : 200.000 Mt GCV : 5500-5300 k.cal/ kg Payment: 50: 40: 10 Price : USD 40 per MT FOB Buy : spot deal / contract QTY : 200.000 Mt GCV : 5800-5600 k.cal/ kg Payment: ....
We have coal minning our self. We ready to supply coal for your company, local or export, contract with FOB Price, East kalimantan. Beside that, we are oil importer company, especiallly HSD/ D2 from....
Jewelry Shop Collection : Coin, Ruby stone, Gold, Silver, and etc.
Black-wood is traditional stronging drug, that is a natural herbal drug which have' nt side effect if used in long time periode. Only 20 mg black-wood you can increase your erection avability till two....
www.kayu-hitam.com is Black-wood ( Kayu hitam) online marketing' s site. We sell original Black-wood ( Kayu hitam) that was directly taked from borneo forest. Black-wood is traditional stronging drug....
kontraktor pengadaan barang dan jasa, Pengadaan alat alat pertanian, pengadaan peralatan suku cadang kontruksi, pipa dll
GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND SUPPLIER ( give the best service and good quality about all things like garment, materials, electrical ect.
Habbatus Saudaâ € ™ cap Kurma Ajwa Meningkatkan Imunitas dan Melancarkan Peredaran Darah Rasulullah shallallahu â € ˜ alaihi wasallam bersabda yang artinya, â € œ Tidak ada satu pun penyakit melainkan dalam....
I. Repairing The both bearing seat area of spindle 77E, 777 & 785B by metal spray and re machine to dimension to suit sample bearing, II. Manufacturing as follows : 1. Pin 2. Sprocket 3. Stud Bolts....
GENERAL CONTRACTOR & SUPPLIERS : ENGINEERING, CONSTRUCTION & SERVICES : - Mechanical Construction : - Oil & Gas Constructions: - Piping System - Instrumentation - Electrical, Sub Station, ....
Simple and cozy cafe with sea view. We also offering shisha menu and free hotspot for browsing internet as costumer want.
company us move at water pump assorted maker part and pontoon at the price of and quality competes, we also rent engine genset, welding machine, kompressor. for water pump plus our pontoon prepares....
we are From Samarinda' s Agent and we have much source coal from Indonesia 6500Up 6300-6100 : 30.000Mt/ Month 5800-5600 : 16.000Mt/ month 5500-5300 : 10.000Mt/ Month 5300-5100 : 10.000Mt/ MonthPayment : ....
Founded in 2005 in Balikpapan by 5 ( five) entrepreneurs who had common ideas to create something new and different which has never existed before in Indonesia. This company was built based on the....
Specialist on UHP water jetting cleaning MAWP. 36000 psi completed with standard accessories ( OEM) , Hydrotest cleaning, Chemical cleaning, Bolting torque & tightening works, Pig cleaning & ....