Means of promoting your business or online business on the internet through classifieds website without a list and start running foreve
Means of promoting your business or online business on the internet through classifieds website without a list and start running forever
Kami adalah Agen Resmi Tiket Pesawat Online.Kami melayani seluruh penerbangan Domestik maupun internasional.Jika Anda sedang mencari Tiket Pesawat Promo Garuda, Tiket Pesawat Promo Citilink, Tiket....
Indigenous Dayak Spear Chopsticks ( 1pcs) Product Code: ( a0005) Price: IDR.2.500.000 Specifications: length 180 cm conditions: 100%
We provide a wide range of original craft items of Borneo, various kinds of handicrafts and masterpiece is available in our stores as a traditional weapon saber, chopsticks, a shield. Crafts such as....
We sell Red Ginseng seeds are ready for seedlings, the price perpaket contains 400 seeds. Plus User' s Guide sent via email. or more details http: / / You may also SMS / ....
Non Coking Coal in Bulk: 63-61 IDR 700, 000 PMT 58-56 IDR 550, 000 PMT Coking Coal in Bulk: 7000 up USD 200 PMT
We, PT. CN RESOURCES, an offshoot of several mining Companies ( Holding Company) , headquartered in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, is currently being actively run mining operations in our....
We have 3 Areal of coal mining, 2961 ha, 1300 ha and 14.700 ha in south kalimantan - indonesia. we need investor to join with us for exploitation of the areal.
We have coal mining concetion in South Kalimantan - Indonesia. We need investor for joint to exploitation of coal in our concetion.
Profesional studio and rental sound system
Coal / Stone Crusher , Conveyoring & Manufacture of Structure Building
Manufacture of Coal / Stone Crusher, Conveyoring and Structure of Building, Power Plant Factory etc.
We are the Rental Heavy Equipment Company, and also Coal Trading with source in East, South and Central Kalimantan. We provide any thypical of Spesification of coal in Adb, Arb or NCV ( Nar) . if you....
DEPKES NO.SP285/ 10-20/ 95 1. Wine: Dissolving fat and slimming. Comp: grape extract, coconut oil, soda soap, honey, stabilizer 2. Avocado: Moisturizes and prevents wrinkling of the skin Comp: ....
Eve Online Shop is an online shop in London that sells health and beauty products with famous brand in Indonesia. such as Herbal Soap made from natural ingredients fruits.
Ships Owner , Builder , and Tug boats seller , Charter , and Sea Transportation service.
Coal mining in Samarinda-East Borneo, area 199, 8 ha have IUP from The Major of Samarinda decree in 13 october 2008, 6500 cal, coal deposit reserves 522, 248 MT more information please email : ....
General Contractor & Supplier in Bontang, East Kalimantan
Old statue " goddes carrying water" from Singosari ( 12th century) era. Found in Kediri ( East Java) . It has gold plated in several part of the body ( necklace, ring etc) Height : 24.5cm Bronze....