" Organic agriculture has become a new idol in the world of agricultural business ( agribusiness) , this is in line with the emergence of anxiety as well as awareness of society about the importance....
Sale of rice husk dispersions but contractual system, a bale of sacks of Contents ( 50 Kg sack) USD. 3000 in taking his own Sell kilo of rice ( 1 bag 25 kg) Sell liquid fertilizer for crop....
A released by Food Agricultural Organization ( FAO) expressed, that in every one second, the lost of natural tropical forest is equal to a football field. FAO also estimated that around 13 million....
ASA Forestry Inc. under the Limited Liability Company Law, which is located in Tasikmalaya, undergoing the business field relating to the environment, particularly the forestry and plantation-based....
3. Beautiful package 3 Rp. 3 million ( max 25 m2) Comprising: pandan bali, Alokasia, stepping stone, mini elephant grass, flowering scrubs, manure, soil fertility, and slow release fertilizer.
Sawangan Landscape is a company that serve the manufacture of garden services, garden maintenance and garden decor. This type of project that we handle such landscape tropical garden, japan garden, ....
to more clearly it can contact me via Email: billah_ mb @ yahoo. or via phone 081 318 244 134
1. investment cooperation in the field of agro-industry. 2. Supply Compost and liquid fertilizer ( MOL: Micro Organisme Local) . 3. Rabbit Farm
Useful for animal feed ( concentrates) , fertilizer plants, mushroom cultivation media, etc.. Relatively high protein content makes this product much in demand. The percentage of about 22-25% oil.....
Our kapok suppliers with quality products in large scale from Karaban - Pati, Central Java, Indonesia. Production reached hundreds of tons per month. We are experienced in this field serves the needs....
We sell Organic Fertiliser Granule from mostly mushroom waste and animal manure
plastic bottle for soap dispenser, chemical, oil
Organic Liquid Fertilizer, Complete and multipurpose BIOCOSAN is the complete liquid fertilizer that supported the growing of roots, tree trunks, leaves and even fruits.
Organic fertilizer is a high-tech formula, with the full content of Macro and Micro content of multivitamins and B complex. Functioning as a foliar fertilizer dantanah, equipped with a natural....
We are a company specialized in supplying agricultural needs of organic fertilizers, organic pesticides and trading of organic agricultural products. Our products include: " Multiplant" Fertilizer....
We produce PET bottle chemical grade which purposed for any chemical liquid such as pestisida, alc, oil, etc. All the bottle is based on PET Chemical Grade material.
Stainless Steel AWS A5.4 E308-16 Type NS-308 * * * EASYLAS* * * EASYLAS* * * EASYLAS* * * EASYLAS* * * EASYLAS* * * EASYLAS* * * EASYLAS* * * EASYLAS* * * EASYLAS* * * EASYLAS* * * EASYLAS* * * ....
Liquid Compost Gramafert  ® is a fluid produced in the composting process ( decomposition) in aerobic ( aeration maximum) in the Biophosko ® composter using Green Phoskko ® ( GP-1) activator ( ....
Realizing that the future of chemical fertilizers ( inorganic) as a non-renewable ( unrenewable) natural materials will be increasingly reduced availability or even less balanced with the needs of....
Integrated fertilization in plants including rice paddy fields on the combination of organic and inorganic nutrient inputs at once. The objective is the attainment of integrated fertilizer rice....
Making agriculture ( in the broad sense) as the main business field, since 1994, CVSK working on introducing technology agricultural fertilizer compound fertilizer industry through flexible formula....
Coffee is an export commodity that was encouraging because it has relatively high economic value in domestic and world market, hence the coffee plant is one of the leading commodity. Indonesia became....
Technology tablets and mixing ( granulation compound) is useful in supporting local programs of fertilizer which is based on the specific conditions of appropriate soil fertility conditions and soil....