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Mr. Anton Kamarudin [Marketing]


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Phone number of Mr. Anton Kamarudin at Pontianak

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Mobile number of Mr. Anton Kamarudin at Pontianak

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Fax number of Mr. Anton Kamarudin at Pontianak


Jl. Martadinata Gg Kecambah No 1
Pontianak 78115, Kalimantan Barat

Workshop, Jl. Raya Banjaran No 222 Pameungpeuk Bandung Selatan, + 62-5946236- 8112221160- 81572527115
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Pupuk Tablet Gramalet® Karet [ Rubber Tree Fertilizer]


Increased agricultural production can be achieved through appropriate technology approach, among others, by applying a balanced fertilizer technology specific location.....
Pupuk Tablet Gramalet® Kelapa Sawit


Efforts to improve productivity and efficiency through the use of palm oil diantanya Gramalet fertilizer tablet formulation with the trademark Palm Gramafix. Gramalet ® Palm is a....
Konsorsium Bakteri Pengurai Limbah Organik [ GP-1]

Rp 550.000,- Per Karton Isi 20 Pack (Loco Bandung)

Bacteria Decomposers microbial Organic Waste Green Phoskko ® [ GP-1] are packed in cartons and plastic PVC PE ( @ 0, 25 kg / Pack) is pre-eminent microbe consortium ( bacterium....
Mineral Penggembur Dekomposisi Limbah Padat ( GP-2)

Rp 35.000,- Per Pack 7 Kg ( loco Bandung)

Composting is the process whereby organic material having decomposition is biologically, by microbes that utilize organic matter ( C) as an energy source. Making compost is to....
Mesin Pengolah Limbah Domestik ( Hand Rotary )

Rp 7.950.000,- (Loco Bandung)

Biophosko ® Hand Rotary with the dimension ( Height= 100 cm, width= 67 cm, Weight= 250 kg and length= 90 cm) made of fiber resin and others aeration tools. Hand Rotary Klin....
Mesin Pengolah Limbah Domestik ( RKM 1000L)

Rp 15.000.000,- (Loco Bandung)

Domestic Waste Processing Machinery ( RKE 1000L) Dimension ( Height = 190 cm, width = 155 cm, length = 290 cm) made of metal and fiber resin, reducers and other aeration equipment....
Mesin Pengolah Limbah Domestik ( RKE 1000L)

Rp 19.500.000,- ( CKD, Loco Bandung)

Biophosko ® Rotary Klin with dimension ( Height= 190 cm, width= 155 cm, length= 290 cm) made of metal and fiber resin, electro motor 3 House Power ( HP) , reducer tools and others....
Mesin Pengolah Limbah Domestik ( RKE-2000L)

Rp 29.500.000,- ( Loco Bandung, CKD)

Domestic Waste Processing Machinery ( RKE-2000L) PLT dimension ( length = 280 cm, width = 230 cm, height = 200 cm) made of metal and fiber resin, aeration tools, 7 HP electrical....
Pupuk Kompos [ Organic Compost ] ( GP-3)

Rp 9.950,- Per kemasan 5 kg

Green Phoskko  ® ( GP- 3 ) Compost ( 5 kg ) is the first quality compost with the content such as: NPK < 1.5% , C / N ratio 50 ppm combined with bacterial additive binding of N....
Komposter Biophosko® Compost Bin [ M]

Rp 395.000,- (Loco Bandung)

Biophosko ® compost bin [ M] with dimension ( Height= 80 cm, Diameter= 40 cm) , a drum made of HDPE plastics is the right solutions to handle trash ( especially for organic trash....
Komposter Biophosko® Compost Bin [ S ]

Rp 295.000,- (Loco Bandung)

Biophosko ® Compost Bin [ Type S] with Dimension ( Height= 60 cm, Diameter= 35 cm) , a drum made of HDPE plastic is the right solutions to handle trash ( especially for organic....
Pupuk Tablet Gramalet® Lada


Tablet Gramalet ® Lada as fertilizer formula special for pepper plant. Its contain a complete essential ingredient such as macronutrient ( N, P, K) , secondary nutrient ( Mg, S, ....
Pupuk Majemuk Tablet Gramalet® Cengkeh [ Clove Fertilizer ]


Improving productivity and quality cengkeh ( Eugenia aromaticum ) is done by providing Gramalet ® cengkeh in the market. Gramalet ® is complete fertilizer tablet ( PMLT ) which is....
Komposter Elektrik Biophoskko® KE-100L

Rp 1.495.000,- ( FOB Batam Port)

Biophosko ® KE-100L Electrical Composter, created to fulfill hobbies desire of crop, and flower of environmental lovers - which have exasperation, desire and caring process....
Komposter Biophosko® Compost Bin [ L]

Rp 595.000,- (Loco Bandung)

Biophosko ® compost bin [ L] have Dimension ( Height: 90 cm, Diameter: 55 cm) , a drum made of HDPE plastic is the right solutions to overcome trash ( especially for organics....
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