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Guben Estate Ltd
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Guben Estate is duly registered company with incorporation N0. TPPCR: RCDLA.2023A.223 with registered Head Office in Bamenda and branch offices in Douala, Maroua, Limbe and Buea.
Guben Estate LTD which deals
exclusively in animal extracts, and fresh frozen meat.
Guben Estate has a staff strength of about 340 employees and has been
operating since 1991.We put in
personal endeavor to respond to clients exigencies in record time. We
have a proven track record second to none and personnel care is our
number one. We hit record sales and our clients have dependable trust
in us. GUBEN ESTATE LTD has become a household name and remains highly solicited. We remain committed to meeting our client' s objectives.
You may click the "Company Info" and "Contact Us" to browse and see other informations of Guben Estate Ltd's website.
Guben Estate LTD which deals
exclusively in animal extracts, and fresh frozen meat.
Guben Estate has a staff strength of about 340 employees and has been
operating since 1991.We put in
personal endeavor to respond to clients exigencies in record time. We
have a proven track record second to none and personnel care is our
number one. We hit record sales and our clients have dependable trust
in us. GUBEN ESTATE LTD has become a household name and remains highly solicited. We remain committed to meeting our client' s objectives.
You may click the "Company Info" and "Contact Us" to browse and see other informations of Guben Estate Ltd's website.
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