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PT Solar Panel Optima , Penerangan Jalan Umum ( PJU ) , Produsen Tenaga surya , Jakarta Solar Panel , Pabrik Solar panel Murah , CS Edwin 08881518623
PT Solar Panel Optima ,  Penerangan Jalan Umum ( PJU ) ,  Produsen Tenaga surya ,  Jakarta Solar Panel ,  Pabrik Solar panel Murah ,  CS Edwin 08881518623
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Solar Panels
Solar Panels or Solar Module or ordinary Indonesian people mention it as a Solar Panel, is the most important component of a Solar Power Plant ( PLTS) . Solar panels convert solar energy into electricity. Solar panel consists of a number of silicon cells ( also called solar cells, PV) are exposed to the sun / solar, which then produces photons that generate electric current.
A set of Solar Panels in a system called Array. A large number of modules - which can be arranged in series or parallel- will determine the amount of the total energy output of electricity generated.

What is a Solar Power Plant?
SPP stands for Solar Power Generation. It is an abbreviation / term used in Indonesia to name an independent power generation system, which is sourced raw material to generate electrical energy derived from sunlight.

I often find writing WP in connection with Solar Panels. What is a WP?
WP, stands for Watt-Peak, is a term that is commonly used in the world of solar energy. WP Watt describes the nominal amount of the highest that can be generated from a solar system. This is because as the energy from the sun that can change in one day. Which when depicted on a graph of the results of laboratory measurements of the size of its power strength per unit of time, it will look like a wave. There is a peak ( Peak) and there are valleys, based on data obtained from measurements within a specified period.
A solar-powered street lights light panels have 60wp power. This means how strong the sun at that time though, the maximum power that can be absorbed or energy output generated by the device only 60watt.

What Advantages of Solar Power Compared to Other Energy Sources?
* Renewable energy ( renewable energy) , does not require fuel again
* Clean, environmentally friendly
* Age solar panels long ( long term investment) : 20-25 years
* Practical. Easy and cheap in maintenance
* It is suitable for tropical regions like Indonesia

In the value of the economy, solar power plants have a higher value, where electricity from PT. PLN

Contac Edwin 08881518623
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