PM 2, 5 & PM10-SSI STAPLEX. PM10 Size Selective Sampling Inlet Meets all of EPA' s PM-10 performance specifications in Federal Reference Method ( RFPS1287-063) Hinged sampling chamber for....
Our Company is establish since 1992 in laboratory Equipments bussiness and agent from alot principals such us USA , Germany , Netherland , Spain , Korea , India , Japan , UK , Taiwan , China etc. ....
PERSONAL AIR SAMPLER STAPLEX. For sampling airborne asbestos, lead and other dusts For full-day worker comfort. Samples at flow rates from 0.5 to 2 LPM using 0.8 micron filter cassettes The....
LOW VOLUME AIR SAMPLER STAPLEX Model : LV-2 & LV-4 Made in USA. Accurate samples collected from immediate vicinity Line and Battery powered models Indoor, outdoor and underground use Compact, ....
FILTER HOLDER GLASS Model KG-7 Made in Advantec - Japan. READY STOCK ! ! ! ! Microanalysis filter holders can be used with a filtering flask to collect samples for particulate or....
SK-620PH PORTABLE PH METER. Features : Large LCD for easy reading The pH value and the temperature are indicated on a large LCD. Auto Power-Off The " auto power-off" function turns off the....
THERMOHYGROGRAPH MODEL SIGMA II Made in SATO - Japan. Cat. No. 7211-00 Specification : Model NSII-Q ( Quartz type) Clock Quartz clock: 1 day, 7 day and 32 day changed by speed switch ....
Thermohygrograph Model Mini-a ( Blue) Cat.No.7006-00 Made in Sato - Japan SPECIFICATIONS Model Mini-Alpha Clock Quartz type " AA" size battery x 1 Battery life: 6 months in continuous....
SATO WBGT Heat Stress Monitor Model SK-150GT Cat.No.8310-00. The SK-150GT is a handy type instrument that can measure temperature, humidity and globe temperature to approximate the WBGT index ( * ....
OVEN MEMMERT UN SERIES Temperature range up to + 300 � � C 8 model sizes 30 to 750 L 2 model variants: SingleDISPLAY and TwinDISPLAY Natural convection or forced air circulation N/ F Models : ....
INCUBATOR MEMMERT IN SERIES In the laboratory, our incubator is ideal for all applications with temperatures up to + 80� � C � � � specifically for incubating living cultures at + 37 � � C. Thanks to....
WATER BATH MEMMERT * Temperature range up to + 95C ( with Peltier cooling unit CDP 115 from + 10 ' C) * 6 Model sizes ( 7L to 45L ) * An extensive range of optional accessories is available: ....
WATER LEVEL METER MODEL 101 Made in Solinst - Canada. READY STOCK ! ! ! Features include an easy-access battery drawer with removable electronics for decontamination, a more comfortable winding....
LABORATORY MANIFOLD SS Made in Sartorius - Germany Model : 3 or 6 branches : - 16828 Multi-branch manifolds, stainless steel, with stainless steel funnels and lids 3 X 500 ml - 16832 Multi....
BLENDER LABORATORY Made in Waring - USA. 7012S / 7012G Capacity: 1 Liter / 1.2 Liter Switch Settings: Seven speed push-button blender with solid state SCR control Base: Epoxy Coated Motor....
SOIL SAMPLING SIEVE SET Soil sieve set. Set of 6 sieves, nominal mesh numbers 10, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100, mounted in aluminium frames with aluminium lid and receiver Pan diameter : 100mm Height....