We are property agents, recruitment agencies buying and selling property such as houses, warehouses, shops, buildings, land. Our consumers from different backgrounds, owners, developers, company.....
Agent service providers sell and buy property
Barcutter & Barbender is a tool / machine that is used for cutting iron ( Barcutter) and bend iron ( Barbender) . The capacity of the machine can operate for iron or iron rods Screw with the size....
BENGKEL BUBUT LESTARI Work shop 1: Jl Raya South Meruya, Kembangan, West Jakarta. Work Shop 2: Jl. Kingdom Middle Reef, Ciledug, Tangerang. Office: Jl Raya South Meruya, No. 4. Development of West....
- Signage Every phase in our life we always meet signage, from waking up to sleeping. Even the smallest piece of our time we meet signage. Signage have become the main way to show your company even....
LOGOS Signage we take creativity to the next level because we know what we do We are new and growing company in advertising and signage in Indonesia. We are moving progressively in recent year by....
1. Offshore Services : 1.1 Diving Services, Surface Supplied Air or Mixed Gas Diving 1.2 Underwater Burning, Welding & Cutting 1.3 Drilling Rig Support 1.4 Underwater Measurement � � � Level I, II....
PT. Arkananta Indonesia used to be called the Arkindo, PT. We are one of the commercial diving, offshore consultant & marine geo survey company located in Surabaya, Indonesia & proud to provide....
Due to limited capital, I am looking for a person or company can be invited to a partnership to invest in the business of buying white pepper. And I guarantee that this partnership will benefit both....
We are a company engaged in trading services. Which we trade is the result of the earth that are on the islands of Bangka Belitung in particular, and Indonesia in general. From the start of....
I. LATAR BELAKANG Usaha catering rumahan merupakan usaha penyedian aneka makanan untuk jumlah yang cukup besar. Usaha katering rumahan saat ini cukup diminati karena kebutuhan akan makanan tidak....
in response to increasing demand for food because food becomes the most important staple food needed by everyone to why we build a business in the culinary, Restaurant ' ' BU MERRY ' ' located in the....
Mega Top is the latest generation of environmentally friendly fertilizers. shaped pasta / gel prepared by the process of biochemical engineering technology-based BCP ( Biological Complexation Process....
We are a company International freight forwarder to ship goods imported, LCL / FCL, official / legal and lending company / Undername to Indonesia and we have Agent-Agent in Europe and Asia so that we....
PT.Trisaka Panunggal Dimensi gives You a service to build or remodel your building or house. " We Serve You To Build A Better Future"
Ad Spot 15, 30, 60 seconds, ranging from the price of 10.000, - / Spot Advertising Digital via Medsos, Google and Youtube with prices starting from 100, 000,
PT. Radio Swara Unib merupakan perusahaan tunggal dan tidak membuka cabang di kota lain atau di tempat lain yang bergerak di bidang industri radio siar dengan nama udara Swaraunib FM. PT. Radio Swara....
The Omahkrasak House Painting has aimed for excellence in painting service. Our company specializes in extensive prep work for the best finished painting results. We respond quickly to customer....
Omahkrasak is a full-service painting specializing in residential & commercial painting, interior painting, exterior painting, new construction, remodelling and restoration. We have experience....
Desain & Application Accounting Software. For Service, Trading & Manufacturing Company. Training for Accounting Software Application till applicable.
We serve best accomplying, review & Report Accounting ( as GAAP) , Taxes ( as UU) & Desaign Software Accounting. We have people expert in the job & Certified. Our customer are Service, Trading & ....
K-Link Indonesia adalah salah satu anak perusahaaan dari K-Link International, sebuah perusahaan yang telah berkembang dan beroperasi di 46 negara. Kami bangga menjadi perusahaan penjualan langsung....
Saya adalah seorang Distributor Produk K-Link, yang berhak mendistribusikan seluruh produk K-link, di 5 benua/ lebih dari 46 negara https: / / www.youtube.com/ watch? v= zQuuWwbjaZM
We have gold concession and we are looking for partner to do gold exploration in south kalimantan Indonesia. Mine area 6000hec with government licence. Take over or JO Pls let us know if any....
Car Rental Samarinda Daily ( Charter) With or without driver Car Rental Monthly ( Contract) , Full Maintenace, Asuransi All Risk, 24 Hours Emergency Call Service Samarinda , East Borneo Call....