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Katalog Produk : Siku Kertas, Paper Angle, Edge Protector, Paper Edge Protector, Cartoon Edge, Cartoon Edge Protector, Edge Board, Cartoon Edge Board, Paper Edge Board, Cartoon Angle
Priority Member Indotrade Priority 11st Year
Contact Information
Mr. Edi
Instant Messaging:
WhatsApp: +6285780546226 +6285780546226 WhatsApp: +6285780546222 +6285780546222 WhatsApp: +6281218240423 +6281218240423 WhatsApp: +6289681178991 +6289681178991
LINE: +6285780546222 +6285780546222
WeChat: +6289681178991 +6289681178991
Y!: edi.marlon.cassanop 
Phone Number:
Phone number of Mr. Edi at Cileungsi, Bogor
Mobile Number:
Mobile number of Mr. Edi at Cileungsi, Bogor
Cileungsi, Bogor, Jakarta
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Welcome to our website
Our company is here to answer your needs.
Our company engaged in product packaging. We have experienced since 2008 to provide several products of packaging with high quality.
On this occasion we inform the products of our paper packaging namely paper angle or edge protector, L shape Protector, Outer Diameter Protector and Inner diameter protector
Paper angle is also known by various names such as edge protector, paper edge protector, edge board, cardboard edge, angle board, cardboard edge, cartoon edge, corner protector, corner edge and others.
Today many industries are already using paper angle or edge protector in every activity of their businesses because it gives benefits both in terms of effectiveness and efficiency.
For us, your company is a business partner who must grow and evolve in the activity of your business, in this cooperation, we do not see things on the basis of profit alone, but more than that who view you as a partner who must still exist, survive and sustainable in your business.
" Being the largest and fastest in handling all of the company' s business and the market leader to maintain our existence in pursuit of an international company for national and international organizations "
" Fully committed in responding to customer needs, market demand and the settlement of the existing problems through the provision of products and services that are comprehensive and qualified human resources are friendly, well-trained and competent management, systematic and controlled, reliable service and accurate, available infrastructure and integrated services and information-based and technology "
" Providing a systematic, fastest and most reliable in all our business activities to maintain our existence as a market leader on the national and international organizations "
1.To Increase customer satisfaction and reduce customer complaints
2.To Increase the effectiveness and efficiency of production processes and services
Our motto is " ONE STOP SERVICE QUALITY INNER " or Inovative, Excellence, Respect, quality, and One Stop Service.
In our activities, we strive to create and explore many ideas to expand and develop quality products, solutions always effective and efficient also provides products with the best service and attention and comprehensive settlement will be given. For us you are a partner who must be heard so that you will find comfort in every activity of your business with us.
We maintain product quality and the best service for your company and continue to improve methods of servicing a full day to serve you.
1. We respect your needs solving problems and give the best. For us, you are a partner that still exist and must be sustainable in your business.
2. Your company will get " Innovative, Excellence, Respect and Quality One Stop Service " .
3. The ease and convenience of doing business because of the overall settlement.
4. Human Resources-friendly, comprehensive, experienced, well-trained and competent.
5. Guaranteed product quality
6. Competitive price, good service and fast delivery.
So what are you waiting for ?
Immediately join us. Do not spend time and money you more to look for other products.
Entrusting your paper angle needs to us. We guarantee our edge protector quality. Use our paper edge protector or cardboard angle, enjoy our services that focus on your satisfaction.
More information about edge board and our services, you can see in our product catalog.
Please join with us at soon. Your satisfaction is the focus of our service.
We guarantee the quality and availability of our products, reasonable prices, prompt delivery and satisfactory service.
Every Purchases of edge protector in large quantities and routine will be given a discount. Do not miss this opportunity, your satisfaction is the focus of our service.

Contact us at soon:

We guarantee the quality of our paper angle product, competitive price, fast delivery and friendly service..

Do not waste your valuable time, use our products at soon , your satisfaction is our focus of business.

For further information, Contact us here :

Jl. Alternatif Cileungsi, Kompleks Metropolitan Land Transyogi, Green Palma, Sektor Tanjung 14 No.20, Cileungsi - Bogor 16820

Telp : + 6221 2962 8514 ( Mardo)
+ 6221 2962 8515 ( Aldo)
+ 6221 2962 8516 ( Chinka)
+ 6221 2962 8518 ( Novi)

Fax : + 6221 2962 8515

Mobile : + 62857 8054 6226
+ 62857 8054 6222 ( Mardo)
+ 62812 1824 0423 ( Aldo)
+ 62896 8117 8991 ( Chinka)

Marketing :
+ 62857 8054 6222 ( Mardo)
+ 62812 1824 0423 ( Aldo)

PIN BB ( Please add me) : 56AF440D
56A9C8B3 ( Mardo)
59894767 ( Aldo)
5974AE9C ( Chinka)

Whatsapp : + 62857 8054 6226
+ 62857 8054 6222 ( Mardo)
+ 62812 1824 0423 ( Aldo)
+ 62896 8117 8991 ( Chinka)

email : info@ worldexpertindonesia.com
ym : weiexpert
gtalk : weiexpert
skype : edicassanop
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