Company Brief

Starting from a determination provide services and service " one stop printing solution " to the best of our customers , especially in the field of graphics design , pre - printing , printing and post- printing and logistics , especially in Riau and surrounding areas , it gives birth to a printing company which later given the name Solar PT.Sinar Asia .
After a long journey and a consideration then choose a geographically strategic locations Soekarna - Hatta road no.10 new week in the city in 2013 , to prepare for pre - printing machine , printing and post - printing in support by the best in the distributor machine printing it .
vision :
Being a printing company " one stop printing solution " in Indonesia
mission :
â � ¢ Provide services and commercial printing with the concept of " One Stop printing solution "
â � ¢ Provide the best service in time accuracy standards , quality , and number of
â � ¢ Develop management systems and techniques that work effectively and efficiently with the use of appropriate technology and work methods in accordance with international standards .
â � ¢ Develop , improve and maintain public recognition of the company' s service performance , quality and brands of the company .
â � ¢ Maintain and develop the management , production , logistics and communications operations facility in proper working condition and in accordance with the operational requirements of the company standards .
â � ¢ Maintain and safeguard financial stability and enhance the company' s profits to ensure business continuity and employee benefits
â � ¢ Maintaining and improving the quality of human resource standards through regular training and implementation of employee performance index .
By providing the service concept of " One Stop Printing Solution " , then there are several sections , among others :
1 . Pre Printing: The process of early stages of print production ( printing ) , the part to make digital design and digital design change into a collection plate in which an arrangement of text and images to change the page that will be printed at the Printing , PT . Sinar Surya Asia we use :
a. Computers with high speech to create design layouts
b . Machine CTP ( computer to plate ) on this machine digital data directly converted into plate
2 . Printing : A process is continued from the pre - printing , in which the plate is already made in the pre - printing will be used on a printing press that prints in accordance with its design , where PT.Sinar Surya Asia using :
a. Print engine Heideberg SM - 52
b . Print engine Heideberg SM - 102
3 . Post - Printing : after going through the stages of pre - printing and printing , then proceed to the post-printing product that is part cetakan.Pada completion of this section will go through the stages of a product ahkir such as cutting , stapling , gluing , embossing , laminating , UV spot , where PT.Sinar Surya Asia using :
a. Cutting machine
b . Pond machine
c . Hot stamping machine
d . binding machine
e . Folding machine
f . Folder Machine glue
g . Water base laminating machine
h . UV machine Vernish
i . UV spot machine
4 . Logistics : A product can not be separated from the role of raw material as the base material which will be in production nantinya.Dalam this case it must have a stock of raw materials that meet the standards of quality and quantity , where PT.Sinar Surya Asia also provide a pick up service digital data and delivery of products to customers .
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